Comment Policy

Our site provides quality informative kinds of stuff for visitors to make improve their online skills and resources. The best way to improve this quality resource is by having interaction between users through comments. To maintain quality and fight against spam we have our comment policy. Each and every comment is well appreciated, but your comments will be removed only if it doesn’t follow our policy. More serious abuse of our comment policy will affect in a permanent ban of IP address and e-mail.


What to do if my comment doesn’t appear? Most probably comments that follow our policy will get approved in 1 (business day). If your comment doesn’t appear even after the time period then please be free to contact us using this contact page.

How to contact you for support? If you have any questions specifically related to any posts (informative, tutorial, tip, hack) then you can make a comment in that post. The comment section is not a good area to post anything that is not related to that post and if you have any questions regarding our site then please contact us using this contact page. Have you got any suggestion or feedback related to this site’s improvement, we will surely value your suggestion. Please use this suggestion page.

Comment Policy

Your Name:  You must use your real name or nickname and if any name contains any keywords like “SEO Company Chicago” “Web Design Company” then it will be deleted and flagged as spam.

Your E-mail: Your E-mail address is safe with us and we do not publish it in our blog or share anywhere. To know the recent comment updates make sure you give your valid e-mail address.

Your Website: You can give your website link and this is optional and all links in the comment section are no-follow.

Language & Manners: The language of this blog is English and so make your comments in the English language and if any comments that contain languages other than English will not appear. Diversity of India is a more friendly resource site, so please don’t use any offensive words, doing so will be deleted by our staff.

Add Value: Your comment must have some value in it and if any comment that kills the conversation will be surely removed. Since spam comments add no value they will be deleted.

No Quarreling: You may argue or question-related to the post, but do not fight with other commentators, and no personal attacks are allowed in blog comments. Anyone who fails to respect the fellow members of the blog will be blocked from accessing this site.

Limit Your Links: Since resources are more helpful for us and other fellow members we do allow links in the comment section. To maintain quality and prevent spam we only allow two links per comment.

All rights reserved: Diversity of India staff has all the rights to modify, move, delete, or mark as spam your comments. We also reserve the rights to block you from commenting on the whole site if it doesn’t obey our policy.


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